Volunteers Needed!
Westminster National Golf Course Welcomes
Students from Westminster Elementary School

Thursday, May 1, 2025
Westminster National Golf Course
Westminster National Golf Course
2158 Littlestown Pike, Westminster, MD 21158
Hosted by

Ryan Kraushofer, CGCS
Volunteers, please contact Ryan Kraushofer
Local 3rd grade students from Westminster Elementary School will visit Westminster National Golf Course on Wednesday, April 23rd for a First Green Field Trip. This is an excellent opportunity to engage with elementary school students and introduce them to the golf industry, specifically geared towards turf management. Using STEM education guidelines, students will learn some of the daily aspects of taking care of a golf course.
Volunteers Needed! Host superintendent Ryan Kraushofer is requesting volunteers to help with this fun day of mentorship and education. Please contact Ryan directly at westminsternationalgc@yahoo.com if you would like to volunteer.
Preliminary Schedule
Subject to Change
9:55-10:10 Organization and Intros
Station 1: 10:15 – 10:35 (20 Minutes) Putting – Our teaching pros will work with the students to teach them the proper way to putt and to read contours in a green. This station will conclude with a friendly putting competition.
Rotation 3 minutes
Station 2: 10:38 – 10:58 (20 Minutes) Soils - Golf courses are community green spaces that provide recreational and environmental benefits to local areas. Golf courses are large parcels of land with healthy turf, trees and other vegetation. Collectively, they provide wildlife habitat, improve air quality, reduce noise and dust, filter surface water, recharge ground water supplies, and in many cases, are used to reclaim and restore environmentally damaged sites
Rotation 3 Minutes
Station 3: 11:01 -11:21 (20 Minutes) 411 of Golf – Students will learn about physics in golf. Such as why does a driver go further than a five iron. Once their groups ball has been hit, they will measure the distance the ball went and then convert the feet into yards.
Rotation 3 Minutes
Station 4: 11:24 – 11:44 (20 Minutes) Water Conservation - Water comprises 80 to 85% of the weight of a grass plant. In most locations, supplemental water in the form of irrigation is needed to maintain healthy turfgrass plants throughout the season. Efficient water use is a very important component of a golf course maintenance operation. Students will learn how Golf Course Superintendents do their part to conserve water use
Rotation 3 Minutes
Station 5: 11:47 – 12:07 (20 Minutes) Golf Course Architecture – Students will learn what goes into designing the perfect golf course. What features are needed to benefit wildlife on a golf course – Students will be given the opportunity to draw their vision of a golf hole
Rotation 3 Minutes
Station 6: 12:10 – 12:30 (20 Minutes) Math - Superintendents use math on the golf course in many ways and area measurements are the most important. A golf course superintendent should be able to accurately calculate the size of an area. Once the size is calculated and an application rate is chosen, the total amount of seed, fertilizer, or topdressing sand to be used can be determined. Students will figure out the square footage of the tee box. They will also learn how averages are used to determine green speeds.
Wrap Up and Group Photo 15 Minutes 12:35-12:50 (15 Minutes)
Lunch 12:50 – 1:30 (40 Minutes)
Busses Depart - 1:30